CFP: JSM on Social, Health and Environmental Change

CFP: The 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul seeks submissions for

Special Issue of the Journal of Social Marketing on

“Social, Health and Environmental Change: How does marketing help?”

Extended Submission Deadline of Extended Abstract: January 31, 2023

Submission Deadline of Full Paper: Aug. 15, 2023


The 2023 Global Marketing Conference (GMC) at Seoul in collaboration with the Journal of Social Marketing, is inviting submissions for a special issue on “Social, Health and Environmental Change: How does marketing help?”

Social, health, and environmental problems are spreading and intensifying across the world. Fortunately, public awareness of these crises is also growing, making the role of social marketing - “the application of marketing principles and techniques to foster social change or improvement (Grier & Bryant, 2005; Kotler & Zaltman, 1971; Lefebvre, 2011; Tekleab et al, 2021; Wymer, 2011)” - become ever more critical. For example, Gen Z consumers consider that sustainability is one of the most important criteria in fashion, luxury, and food consumption (Kong et al., 2021; Fifita, 2020) and digital transformation (Jung et al., 2021). After covid 19 pandemic, consumer wellbeing and sustainable consumption became hot issues in academic research and industry marketing and management (Akrout & Guercini, 2022; Bang et al., 2022; Choi et al., 2022).

The 2023 GMC at Seoul has created a special track seeking manuscripts that explore a theoretical and empirical understanding of social marketing, especially its role in creating and mobilizing social, health, and environmental change.

More specifically, this track aims to explore how principles and practices of social marketing can be theorized as an effective tool to create meaningful social, health, and environmental change. Papers submitted to this track are thus expected to advance and broaden the implications of social marketing.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Theoretical models centering on the role of social marketing in creating and mobilizing social, health, and environmental change
  • Measurement related to social marketing in the context of social, health, and environmental change.
  • The roles of products and advertising in influencing people’s motivation and engagement in social, health, and environmental change
  • The roles of service and service providers in influencing people’s motivation and engagement in social, health, and environmental change
  • The effects of CSR and ESG activities and the marketing of the activities on diverse stakeholders’ (e.g., customers’, employees’, investors’, and community members’) perceptions of and engagement in change
  • Cognitive, affective, and social mechanisms in interpreting and engaging in social, health, and environmental change
  • Roles of social media and information dissemination and exchange in relation to social, health, and environmental change
  • Cross-cultural, cross-generational, cross-socioeconomic, and gender issues in relation to social, health, and environmental change
  • Data mining and big data analytics in social marketing
  • Meta-analysis of social marketing
  • Qualitative inquiry and case studies on social marketing

Other forms of social marketing in relation to social, health, and environmental change.

A formal double-blind peer review process will be applied to all of the submissions.

Extended Submission Deadline of Extended Abstract: January 31, 2023

- Authors should submit their extended abstracts to the Track Chair of “Social, Health and Environmental Change: How does marketing help?” at the 2023 GMC at Seoul to be qualified

for the formal full-paper submission to the Journal of Social Marketing Special Issue.

- Submission Guidelines of the extended abstract to 2023 GMC at Seoul can be found at:

- Track Chairs: Prof. Eunju Ko (Yonsei University),, Prof. Boram Do (Yonsei University),, & Dr. Jeawon Kim (UN Environment Programme),


Submission Deadline of Full Paper: August 15, 2023

- Only the papers that are accepted, registered, and presented at the 2023 GMC at Seoul

will be eligible for the full-paper submission.

- The track chairs will select the best papers presented at the 2023 GMC at Seoul and invite

the authors are to submit their full papers to the Journal of Social Marketing Special Issue on ‘Social, Health and Environmental Change: How does marketing help?’ for formal review.

- All papers should be formatted according to the Journal of Social Marketing Submission Guidelines ( and submitted through ScholarOne ( Please also note in the cover letter that the submission is for the Special Issue on “Social, Health and Environmental Change: How does marketing help?” based on the 2023 GMC extended abstract.

- All selected full papers are subject to the formal double-blind review process of the Journal of Social Marketing. The invitation to submit a full paper does not guarantee either its conditional acceptance or publication.

Submissions and inquiries should be directed to:

Guest Co-Editors of this Journal of Social Marketing Special Issue:

Prof, Eunju Ko (Yonsei University),, Prof. Boram Do (Yonsei University),, Dr. Jeawon Kim (UN Environment Programme), Climate Technology Center & Network, Incheon, Republic of Korea,, Tel: +82-10-7554-2769.


Akrout, H. & Guercini, S. (2022). Sustainability in fashion and luxury marketing: Results, paradoxes and potentialities. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 13(2), 91-100.

Bang, W., Ko, J., Kim, SJ., Ko, E. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic upon fashion consumer behavior: focus on mass and luxury products. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

Choi, D., Seo, Y., Septianto, F., & Ko., E. (2022). Luxury customization and self-authenticity: Implications for consumer wellbeing. Journal of Business Research, 141, 243-252.

Fifita, IME., Seo, Y., Ko, E., Conroy, D., Hong, D. (2020). Fashioning organics: Wellbeing, sustainability, and status consumption practices. Journal of Business Research, 117, 664-671.

Grier, S., & Bryant, C. A. (2005). Social marketing in public health. Annual review of Public Health, 26(1), 319-339.

Jung, J., Yu, J., Seo, Y., & Ko, E. (2021). Consumer experiences of virtual reality: Insights from VR luxury brand fashion shows. Journal of Business Research, 130, 517-524.

Kong, HM., Witmaier, A., Ko, E. (2021). Sustainability and social media communication: How consumers respond to marketing efforts of luxury and non-luxury fashion brands. Journal of Business Research, 131, 640-651.

Kotler, P., & Zaltman, G. (1971). Social marketing: an approach to planned social change. Journal of Marketing, 35(3), 3-12.

Lefebvre, R. C. (2011). An integrative model for social marketing. Journal of Social Marketing 1(1), 54-72.

Tekleab, A. G., Reagan, P. M., Do, B., Levi, A., & Lichtman, C. (2021). Translating corporate social responsibility into action: a social learning perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 171(4), 741-756.

Wymer, W. (2011). Developing more effective social marketing strategies. Journal of Social Marketing 1(1), 17-31.